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The Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research features a sample preparation area and research space for 8 students.

Six state of the art Leica stereomicroscopes are available for the picking and identification of foraminifera, two high-resolution stereomicroscopes connected to digital imaging system, and a fluorescence stereomicroscope.

We have full access to molecular biology laboratory at BGU where we successfully carried out the preliminary study on the soritids. This lab includes: thermocycler for PCR, microcentrifuges, shakers, incubators, power supplies and protein/DNA separation units.

BGU also provides numerous core facilities, including a DNA sequencing facility and electron microscopy supporting unit.

Foraminiferal stable oxygen and carbon isotopes are carried out at the departmental stable isotope mass spectrometry laboratory. The lab maintains a Gas Source - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GS-IRMS) instrument (Thermo).

High quality scanning electron micrographs of foraminifera are maintained at service lab of The Ilse Katz Center for Meso and Nanoscale Science and Technology at BGU.

Department of geological and Environmental Sciences Ben Gurion University of the Negev, P.O.B 653

Beer Sheva, Israel 84105

Tel:+972 8 6472653


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