Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research

The Laboratory for Foraminiferal Research features a sample preparation area and research space for 8 students.
Six state of the art Leica stereomicroscopes are available for the picking and identification of foraminifera, two high-resolution stereomicroscopes connected to digital imaging system, and a fluorescence stereomicroscope.
We have full access to molecular biology laboratory at BGU where we successfully carried out the preliminary study on the soritids. This lab includes: thermocycler for PCR, microcentrifuges, shakers, incubators, power supplies and protein/DNA separation units.
BGU also provides numerous core facilities, including a DNA sequencing facility and electron microscopy supporting unit.
Foraminiferal stable oxygen and carbon isotopes are carried out at the departmental stable isotope mass spectrometry laboratory. The lab maintains a Gas Source - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (GS-IRMS) instrument (Thermo).
High quality scanning electron micrographs of foraminifera are maintained at service lab of The Ilse Katz Center for Meso and Nanoscale Science and Technology at BGU.